Merry Go Round Ads was added to Sweeva by danielbaxter.
What People Are Saying About Merry Go Round Ads
They are pointing to the promo code in the corner
1466 days ago
I am assuming you were asking if I was a mod? No. I am a mod everywhere I go because because I have aspergers and am very opinionated on anything ethics or legality. It's the way I am wired.
Maybe that promo code is animated a bit. I also think It would be a neat effect here if all the text stayed on this level, but the other parts of the image slowly zoom into place
1469 days ago
They are pointing up to draw the eye to the promo code at the top. What type of action do you suggest mobilestimulus?
1469 days ago
Getting on the Merry Go Rounds Ads next on my list of to do for 2day!
1470 days ago
What are they pointing to? LOL I like this graphic very much, but wishing there was action on this page.