Sorry. i didn't mean for that to come across that way. 2 years locked up from covid has made me a little socially awkward
1064 days ago
Alright! Not meant as a complaint, just thought I'd let you know
1064 days ago
I found the template online but I only used the graphics mainly. I changed the layout. I know the links at the bottom are broken I'm still getting it together.
1065 days ago
I really like this site! Did you create it yourself? A few links are broken - "Contact" and "Discover More" both go to "404 Not Found"-pages.
1065 days ago
austin752: is not on a rotator. What I said below is for
1067 days ago
The trouble is because this is a rotator it is hard to tell which site each comment is regarding
1068 days ago
With so many scams out there I just wanted to show the programs that I use on a regular basis. I think it's a professional way of saying nothing. Take or leave it, these sites pay.
1068 days ago
Nice looking site! However, the "Follow Us"-links at the bottom don't work, and the "Contact"-link is broken.
1075 days ago
Just a very strange way of saying nothing... Splash page plus branding