What People Are Saying About LFMTE Sale
I see what you are talking about now. You see where it says online? That is under the box where you type to post and indicates that you are online not that the owner of the page is online
1466 days ago
Where do you see an online indicator. I never noticed that. However that would not mean someone is a robot only that sweeva is configured wrong and not updating properly
1466 days ago
Why does the online indicator indicate online for all these page owners? Then they don't comment on the pages in the surf, and sweeving here is wasted. That is why.
1467 days ago
That statement didn't make sense but its ok as long as you are aware that site owners don't need bots. Going on a site and then bashing its owner probably isn't going to get you very far in this industry though.
1467 days ago
Owners don't need to surf their own site. We can program credits to any member including ourselves. There is no reason to use a bot when you own the site. He can program the site to display his ads every 2 pages if he wanted to. Each owner is different but
1468 days ago
So I am correct. That makes me sad. It is in my opinion that when the owner is surfing his own surf, and doing it with a bot is all, just plain unethical and wrong. I am starting to second guess this whole site now...

1469 days ago
Logiscape owns sweeva. Logiscape is Josh's company. Josh is one of the owners of the AKH Media as well which is the company that designed the LFM scripts which is what most mailers and TEs are running
1469 days ago
I am starting to think that logiscape here is a robot clicker... What do you think?
1470 days ago
LFMTE scripts are the best, easy to edit and execute new ideas for people to earn and grow a new business. Love it.
1532 days ago
I have been using this script for clicktastic. I am really impressed. I will be sticking with LFMTE for future sites.
1570 days ago
It loaded great for me 10 minutes later. Must have just been server load or something
1620 days ago
Me too Ken. I am about to launch my very first LFMTE script up till now I have only done LFMVM. It should be exciting. Tons of money invested. It will have tons of games and be addicting to surf

1628 days ago
Ken -He was deleted and banned here and traffic adbar and all of my sites and I think Cheryls sites as well.
1789 days ago

Automate your surfing for free and turn it into free cash! Just follow my easy free steps!

1799 days ago
gwnbitcoins - It is considered rude to spam someone elses page with self promotion. You will get better results by commenting your honest opinion and trying to be helpful.
1799 days ago
Under your profile. Alternatively email me at dan(at)danbax.com I am not an affiliate so not trying to get money, just trying to help
1803 days ago
The very best mailer and te scripts. I will be launching a site on josh's scripts in just a couple weeks
1808 days ago