Brian Morgan
24 Sweeva Friends
Brian Morgan's Info
Brian Morgan's Notes
medal rtm10170close
Nice to see you around Sweeva Brian, I wish you the best, I am checking out some of your links now and wanted to let you know I am here to help if you ever need it. Also, Just wanted to tell you that I added you as a friend here on Sweeva and wanted to say hi. I wish you the very best. If you want feel free to link with me on Facebook, and if you ever need any help feel free to ask
2787 days ago days agoAlso, if you can't find a reputable and user friendly earning opportunity then...If you want, feel free to check out my profile and join SFI and grow your income, become a team leader, and win so many prizes and get access to so many different earning opportunities, I would be happy to lead you and sponsor you the entire way. Okay then, take care and cheers to your future successes. ~Ryan
medal teoptionsclose
Hi Brian, thanks for the comment on my splash...To answer your question regarding why do I use AdKreator. I make my designs then upload them to ADK, I have a lifetime membership and is a great program to store files. Also quite a few of my customers prefer ADK for the sharecode aspect. Have a great day
4486 days ago days ago -
medal sophia1225close
Very cool. I have been online for awhile as well. Mostly I see creative splashes made with Adkreator. TEToolbox is one of the most NOT user friendly programs. Impressive that you can make something so creative with that program! Well done.
4520 days ago days ago -
medal stevesamclose
I have joined this. I know it is about marketing thru auctions- high ticket items. Is that true?
4623 days ago days ago -
medal margur2000close
Hi Brian, Thanks for the feedback on my SkyGame site. I just want to make sure I understand the comment. Were you saying that the logo looks too childish so that you thought it was strictly for little kids? Please let me know. If it is causing that reaction, I will rethink the graphics for my splash. Thanks again, Marian.
4643 days ago days ago -
medal rchrdclose
Hey Brian, thank you for commenting on my webpage. I appreciate your honesty....... kind regards.....
4932 days ago days ago -
medal terripattiomlmentorclose
Thank you Brian for your comment. I appreciate your feedback.
4954 days ago days ago -
medal annmosesclose
Hi Brian, thanks so much for the comment on my blog: "Vita Woman". This is what the internet is all about people helping people. Sure I would love for your help in changing my blogger page. I am still new to this site but inbox me on FB, Ann Moses. send me a message there I would love to connect with you. I hope to read from you soon.
4974 days ago days ago