Dave Pileggi
6 Sweeva Friends
Dave Pileggi's Info
Dave Pileggi's Notes
medal placusclose
655 days ago days ago
The company officially starts in June, there is pre-organization now, let's take advantage of it.
In the video, he talks about the word matrix several times, it is not working yet, but those who get there stand in line and when it opens, people are seated in chronological order.
That way it will be very fast when it opens. Let's use it.
Bring a lot of people. https://youtu.be/xeFAXp7KZxA
Best regards
Laszlo -
medal rtm10170close
Welcome. I added you as a friend and wanted to wish you the best of luck to everything that you do here. I like the work you have done thus far and wish you much success. I am always here to help out too, or just chat and exchange ideas. Hope to see you around the web. Take care
4276 days ago days ago