Don Snyder
12 Sweeva Friends
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Don Snyder's Notes
medal ikiltabugclose
Truthful? You are the the one accusing ME of being a liar here. That site HAS NOT changed since it was put up over half a year ago. And I have seen your "successful" programs? How did Zeek work out for you, eh?
4516 days ago days ago
You have also removed my comment from your profile and blocked me, showing me that you are a complete coward who just likes to hit and run. Such as shame people like you ruin the experience for others. Yes you have the right to comment on anything, but unfortunately you are too immature to take it when challenged. Good luck with your failures. -
medal ikiltabugclose
jennyfletcher just sent me this message in a private message regarding a comment that I responded to that she left on one of my sites - "The site I commented on was NOT the one I saw just now. I am assuming you switched it or you are using a rotator"
4517 days ago days ago
My response to her - "Yeah the page that you commented on has been on Sweeva for the past 214 days and is not a rotator which you can plainly see by looking at the info page. And I have no idea what you intend to accomplish by sending a message to me privately. You spout out so much negativity that very few people have any interest in what you have to say, including me." -
medal splashleadsclose
G`day Don, Eric said that it wasn't my account, it was our host account. We are in process of an upgrade to a cloud server and there was a temporary issue. It's fixed now.
4526 days ago days ago
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