Martin Payling's Notes

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    medal placus


    The company officially starts in June, there is pre-organization now, let's take advantage of it.
    In the video, he talks about the word matrix several times, it is not working yet, but those who get there stand in line and when it opens, people are seated in chronological order.
    That way it will be very fast when it opens. Let's use it.
    Bring a lot of people.

    Best regards


    659 days ago days ago
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    medal baldyken

    Hi Martin! I just added you as a friend. You could really improve what you do for Sweeva by reading and acting on the comments in your ads here in Sweeva. Feedback from members is meant to help you improve your ads. Also very important is not having your ads show more than a couple of times in an hour. I am here to help if I can. Ken

    1019 days ago days ago
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    medal stevesam

    Martin are you a member of CTP? Thanks, Steve Samoheyl

    3043 days ago days ago