Scott Longacre
0 Sweeva Friends
Scott Longacre's Info
Scott Longacre's Notes
medal merryclose
Hi Scott, yes, from what I hear from members, our coop is the greatest thing on the net, seriously! We do not have ref links, it's a real coop, but for the contest and to know how we are doing, there's a place to put a name of the person who invited you
5266 days ago days agoPlease join, you will be very glad. Also consider joining our coop skype room, you will feel all the excitement. BTW, super nice to hear from you
As t Schnaap, no time for anything, using for advertising when I remember
full focus on coop and kooday keywords lolll
medal merryclose
Hi Scott, I am not making this up, all those people who promoted it first wrote publicly to take that recommendations out. Those guys pull things like that before... There's Paul, I do nt remember his last name, but can lok for that info if you need. Just let me know you do and give me your email and I will forward all of it to you. It was plenty...
5327 days ago days ago -
medal louisecardowclose
Hi Scott... How's it going?
5355 days ago days ago
I was just dropping by to thank you for the kind words on my site.. On Fire To Retire.
This is a great $$ spinner. Has been around for a while and that tells you that it WORKS !!
If you need any help let me know.
I hope you are enjoying Sweeva - There are some GREAT people here.
Louise -
medal scottlongacreclose
Thank you. What was odd??? That is why I left. I added you as a friend on facebook. My site rocks!!! I just got started in it Matrix 1 but people are signing up + there is spillover which rules!!! The 8 matrix will pay out $3000.
5384 days ago days ago -
medal scottlongacreclose
Thanks Merry!! You look good on this site. You are the Queen of the jungle here.LOL!!
5386 days ago days ago -
medal merryclose
Hey, hey Scott, nice to see you here
5386 days ago days agoYep 4GI is rocking
VCB rocks even more lollll How's One Team is going, boy you are faithful to one program, all the best with it.
medal scottlongacreclose
Sometimes it can be tough lifting that imported bottle of water
5386 days ago days ago