Sevauhn HALO
6 Sweeva Friends
Sevauhn HALO's Info
Sevauhn HALO's Notes
medal rtm10170close
Good day to you, hope you are enjoying Sweeva and I wish you the best of luck succeeding your goals and dreams, see you around and by the way I tweeted your page for you! To your success friend
2833 days ago days ago -
medal merryclose
Hi Sevauhn, I just read your comment and gladly share with you what I know. Behind it is JB Garbowicz, same developer as with the sold Is Your Night. WebTalk is humongous project, there is much more then just a social platform, presently they are working on SocialCPA which will belong to WebTalk too. There supposed to be 5 lev ref commission or to infinity (the very first affiliate from members) Again, the project is multi-platform and it would not be finished soon, but surely it is worth to register and follow its developments
4927 days ago days ago