sama taylor
3 Sweeva Friends
sama taylor's Info
sama taylor's Notes
medal lucieclose
Hi Sama! Yes, I'm a member of many TEs, and yes, I'm getting many hits! My system for getting referrals is easy to implement, let me know if you have any questions! Happy surfing!
4831 days ago days ago -
medal b4morgan82close
Thankyou sweetie, and NO I am Not from New Jeresy, But from New York which is even better
4902 days ago days ago, Thanks for your comments...I would say that you are pretty as well except all I see is candy....Where are you from? Close to N.Y.? anyway, thanks again and look forward to hearing from you
medal willie1968close
Hi Sama, thanks for your positive comment. Now is the perfect time to join TFT while we are still in pre launch. Please let me know if you have any questions.
4949 days ago days ago